PowerShell Xero: Create an Invoice

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Example of a draft sales ( ACCREC) invoice with enough detail to be approved once it's been created.

Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/invoices


$rest = New-Object Chilkat.Rest

$oauth1 = New-Object Chilkat.OAuth1
$oauth1.ConsumerKey = "OAUTH1_CONSUMER_KEY"
$oauth1.ConsumerSecret = "OAUTH1_CONSUMER_SECRET"
$oauth1.Token = "OAUTH1_TOKEN"
$oauth1.TokenSecret = "OAUTH1_TOKEN_SECRET"
$oauth1.SignatureMethod = "RSA-SHA1"
$rsaKey = New-Object Chilkat.PrivateKey
#  Insert code here to load the RSA private key...
#  ...
#  then call SetRsaKey to provide the RSA key to the OAuth1 class.
$success = $oauth1.SetRsaKey($rsaKey)

$success = $rest.Connect("api.xero.com",443,$true,$true)
if ($success -ne $true) {

#  The following code creates the JSON request body.
#  The JSON created by this code is shown below.
$jsonReq = New-Object Chilkat.JsonObject
$jsonReq.UpdateString("LineItems[0].Description","Consulting services as agreed (20% off standard rate)")

$sbReq = New-Object Chilkat.StringBuilder


$sbResponse = New-Object Chilkat.StringBuilder
$success = $rest.FullRequestSb("POST","/api.xro/2.0/Invoices",$sbReq,$sbResponse)
if ($success -ne $true) {

if ($rest.ResponseStatusCode -ne 200) {
    $("Received error response code: " + $rest.ResponseStatusCode)
    $("Response body:")

$("Example Completed.")

Sample JSON Request Body

  "Type": "ACCREC",
  "Contact": { 
    "ContactID": "eaa28f49-6028-4b6e-bb12-d8f6278073fc" 
  "Date": "\/Date(1518685950940+0000)\/",
  "DueDate": "\/Date(1518685950940+0000)\/",
  "DateString": "2009-05-27T00:00:00",
  "DueDateString": "2009-06-06T00:00:00",
  "LineAmountTypes": "Exclusive",
  "LineItems": [
      "Description": "Consulting services as agreed (20% off standard rate)",
      "Quantity": "10",
      "UnitAmount": "100.00",
      "AccountCode": "200",
      "DiscountRate": "20"