Visual Basic 6.0 Stripe: Detach a Source

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Detaches a Source object from a Customer. The status of a source is changed to consumed when it is detached and it can no longer be used to create a charge.


CURL Command

curl \

Visual Basic 6.0 Example

Dim rest As New ChilkatRest
Dim success As Long

'  URL:
Dim bTls As Long
bTls = 1
Dim port As Long
port = 443
Dim bAutoReconnect As Long
bAutoReconnect = 1
success = rest.Connect("",port,bTls,bAutoReconnect)
If (success <> 1) Then
    Debug.Print "ConnectFailReason: " & rest.ConnectFailReason
    Debug.Print rest.LastErrorText
    Exit Sub
End If

success = rest.SetAuthBasic("STRIPE_SECRET_KEY","")

Dim sbResponseBody As New ChilkatStringBuilder
success = rest.FullRequestNoBodySb("DELETE","/v1/customers/cus_CBbg9PmQ9sLbmo/sources/src_1BnETLGswQrCoh0X5KOorXEP",sbResponseBody)
If (success <> 1) Then
    Debug.Print rest.LastErrorText
    Exit Sub
End If

Dim jsonResponse As New ChilkatJsonObject
success = jsonResponse.LoadSb(sbResponseBody)

Dim id As String
Dim object As String
Dim amount As Long
Dim client_secret As String
Dim created As Long
Dim currency As String
Dim flow As String
Dim livemode As Long
Dim ownerAddress As Long
Dim ownerEmail As String
Dim ownerName As Long
Dim ownerPhone As Long
Dim ownerVerified_address As Long
Dim ownerVerified_email As Long
Dim ownerVerified_name As Long
Dim ownerVerified_phone As Long
Dim receiverAddress As String
Dim receiverAmount_charged As Long
Dim receiverAmount_received As Long
Dim receiverAmount_returned As Long
Dim receiverRefund_attributes_method As String
Dim receiverRefund_attributes_status As String
Dim statement_descriptor As Long
Dim status As String
Dim type As String
Dim usage As String
Dim bitcoinAddress As String
Dim bitcoinAmount As Long
Dim bitcoinAmount_charged As Long
Dim bitcoinAmount_received As Long
Dim bitcoinAmount_returned As Long
Dim bitcoinUri As String

id = jsonResponse.StringOf("id")
object = jsonResponse.StringOf("object")
amount = jsonResponse.IntOf("amount")
client_secret = jsonResponse.StringOf("client_secret")
created = jsonResponse.IntOf("created")
currency = jsonResponse.StringOf("currency")
flow = jsonResponse.StringOf("flow")
livemode = jsonResponse.BoolOf("livemode")
ownerAddress = jsonResponse.IsNullOf("owner.address")
ownerEmail = jsonResponse.StringOf("")
ownerName = jsonResponse.IsNullOf("")
ownerPhone = jsonResponse.IsNullOf("")
ownerVerified_address = jsonResponse.IsNullOf("owner.verified_address")
ownerVerified_email = jsonResponse.IsNullOf("owner.verified_email")
ownerVerified_name = jsonResponse.IsNullOf("owner.verified_name")
ownerVerified_phone = jsonResponse.IsNullOf("owner.verified_phone")
receiverAddress = jsonResponse.StringOf("receiver.address")
receiverAmount_charged = jsonResponse.IntOf("receiver.amount_charged")
receiverAmount_received = jsonResponse.IntOf("receiver.amount_received")
receiverAmount_returned = jsonResponse.IntOf("receiver.amount_returned")
receiverRefund_attributes_method = jsonResponse.StringOf("receiver.refund_attributes_method")
receiverRefund_attributes_status = jsonResponse.StringOf("receiver.refund_attributes_status")
statement_descriptor = jsonResponse.IsNullOf("statement_descriptor")
status = jsonResponse.StringOf("status")
type = jsonResponse.StringOf("type")
usage = jsonResponse.StringOf("usage")
bitcoinAddress = jsonResponse.StringOf("bitcoin.address")
bitcoinAmount = jsonResponse.IntOf("bitcoin.amount")
bitcoinAmount_charged = jsonResponse.IntOf("bitcoin.amount_charged")
bitcoinAmount_received = jsonResponse.IntOf("bitcoin.amount_received")
bitcoinAmount_returned = jsonResponse.IntOf("bitcoin.amount_returned")
bitcoinUri = jsonResponse.StringOf("bitcoin.uri")

Sample JSON Response Body

  "id": "src_1BnETLGswQrCoh0X5KOorXEP",
  "object": "source",
  "amount": 1000,
  "client_secret": "src_client_secret_CBbgdvc1AflN5jN0wQevA2jA",
  "created": 1516662783,
  "currency": "usd",
  "flow": "receiver",
  "livemode": false,
  "metadata": {},
  "owner": {
    "address": null,
    "email": "",
    "name": null,
    "phone": null,
    "verified_address": null,
    "verified_email": null,
    "verified_name": null,
    "verified_phone": null
  "receiver": {
    "address": "test_1MBhWS3uv4ynCfQXF3xQjJkzFPukr4K56N",
    "amount_charged": 0,
    "amount_received": 0,
    "amount_returned": 0,
    "refund_attributes_method": "email",
    "refund_attributes_status": "missing"
  "statement_descriptor": null,
  "status": "consumed",
  "type": "bitcoin",
  "usage": "single_use",
  "bitcoin": {
    "address": "test_1MBhWS3uv4ynCfQXF3xQjJkzFPukr4K56N",
    "amount": 2371000,
    "amount_charged": 0,
    "amount_received": 0,
    "amount_returned": 0,
    "uri": "bitcoin:test_1MBhWS3uv4ynCfQXF3xQjJkzFPukr4K56N?amount=0.02371000"