Visual Basic 6.0 Stripe: Create a Card Token

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Creates a single use token that wraps the details of a credit card. This token can be used in place of a credit card dictionary with any API method.


CURL Command

curl \
   -d card[number]=4242424242424242 \
   -d card[exp_month]=12 \
   -d card[exp_year]=2019 \
   -d card[cvc]=123
   -X POST

Visual Basic 6.0 Example

Dim rest As New ChilkatRest
Dim success As Long

'  URL:
Dim bTls As Long
bTls = 1
Dim port As Long
port = 443
Dim bAutoReconnect As Long
bAutoReconnect = 1
success = rest.Connect("",port,bTls,bAutoReconnect)
If (success <> 1) Then
    Debug.Print "ConnectFailReason: " & rest.ConnectFailReason
    Debug.Print rest.LastErrorText
    Exit Sub
End If

success = rest.SetAuthBasic("STRIPE_SECRET_KEY","")

success = rest.AddQueryParam("card[number]","4242424242424242")
success = rest.AddQueryParam("card[exp_month]","12")
success = rest.AddQueryParam("card[exp_year]","2019")
success = rest.AddQueryParam("card[cvc]","123")

Dim strResponseBody As String
strResponseBody = rest.FullRequestFormUrlEncoded("POST","/v1/tokens")
If (rest.LastMethodSuccess <> 1) Then
    Debug.Print rest.LastErrorText
    Exit Sub
End If

Dim jsonResponse As New ChilkatJsonObject
success = jsonResponse.Load(strResponseBody)

Dim id As String
Dim object As String
Dim cardId As String
Dim cardObject As String
Dim cardAddress_city As Long
Dim cardAddress_country As Long
Dim cardAddress_line1 As Long
Dim cardAddress_line1_check As Long
Dim cardAddress_line2 As Long
Dim cardAddress_state As Long
Dim cardAddress_zip As Long
Dim cardAddress_zip_check As Long
Dim cardBrand As String
Dim cardCountry As String
Dim cardCvc_check As Long
Dim cardDynamic_last4 As Long
Dim cardExp_month As Long
Dim cardExp_year As Long
Dim cardFingerprint As String
Dim cardFunding As String
Dim cardLast4 As String
Dim cardName As Long
Dim cardTokenization_method As Long
Dim client_ip As Long
Dim created As Long
Dim livemode As Long
Dim type As String
Dim used As Long

id = jsonResponse.StringOf("id")
object = jsonResponse.StringOf("object")
cardId = jsonResponse.StringOf("")
cardObject = jsonResponse.StringOf("card.object")
cardAddress_city = jsonResponse.IsNullOf("card.address_city")
cardAddress_country = jsonResponse.IsNullOf("card.address_country")
cardAddress_line1 = jsonResponse.IsNullOf("card.address_line1")
cardAddress_line1_check = jsonResponse.IsNullOf("card.address_line1_check")
cardAddress_line2 = jsonResponse.IsNullOf("card.address_line2")
cardAddress_state = jsonResponse.IsNullOf("card.address_state")
cardAddress_zip = jsonResponse.IsNullOf("card.address_zip")
cardAddress_zip_check = jsonResponse.IsNullOf("card.address_zip_check")
cardBrand = jsonResponse.StringOf("card.brand")
cardCountry = jsonResponse.StringOf("")
cardCvc_check = jsonResponse.IsNullOf("card.cvc_check")
cardDynamic_last4 = jsonResponse.IsNullOf("card.dynamic_last4")
cardExp_month = jsonResponse.IntOf("card.exp_month")
cardExp_year = jsonResponse.IntOf("card.exp_year")
cardFingerprint = jsonResponse.StringOf("card.fingerprint")
cardFunding = jsonResponse.StringOf("card.funding")
cardLast4 = jsonResponse.StringOf("card.last4")
cardName = jsonResponse.IsNullOf("")
cardTokenization_method = jsonResponse.IsNullOf("card.tokenization_method")
client_ip = jsonResponse.IsNullOf("client_ip")
created = jsonResponse.IntOf("created")
livemode = jsonResponse.BoolOf("livemode")
type = jsonResponse.StringOf("type")
used = jsonResponse.BoolOf("used")

Sample JSON Response Body

  "id": "tok_1BnETKGswQrCoh0XIvDUT3mu",
  "object": "token",
  "card": {
    "id": "card_1BnETKGswQrCoh0XGXCaLCT2",
    "object": "card",
    "address_city": null,
    "address_country": null,
    "address_line1": null,
    "address_line1_check": null,
    "address_line2": null,
    "address_state": null,
    "address_zip": null,
    "address_zip_check": null,
    "brand": "Visa",
    "country": "US",
    "cvc_check": null,
    "dynamic_last4": null,
    "exp_month": 8,
    "exp_year": 2019,
    "fingerprint": "F9mANtIt1TaukpRJ",
    "funding": "credit",
    "last4": "4242",
    "metadata": {},
    "name": null,
    "tokenization_method": null
  "client_ip": null,
  "created": 1516662782,
  "livemode": false,
  "type": "card",
  "used": false