Visual Basic 6.0 Stripe: List all Customers

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Returns a list of your customers. The customers are returned sorted by creation date, with the most recent customers appearing first.


CURL Command

curl \

Visual Basic 6.0 Example

Dim rest As New ChilkatRest
Dim success As Long

'  URL:
Dim bTls As Long
bTls = 1
Dim port As Long
port = 443
Dim bAutoReconnect As Long
bAutoReconnect = 1
success = rest.Connect("",port,bTls,bAutoReconnect)
If (success <> 1) Then
    Debug.Print "ConnectFailReason: " & rest.ConnectFailReason
    Debug.Print rest.LastErrorText
    Exit Sub
End If

success = rest.SetAuthBasic("STRIPE_SECRET_KEY","")

Dim sbResponseBody As New ChilkatStringBuilder
success = rest.FullRequestNoBodySb("GET","/v1/customers?limit=3",sbResponseBody)
If (success <> 1) Then
    Debug.Print rest.LastErrorText
    Exit Sub
End If

Dim jsonResponse As New ChilkatJsonObject
success = jsonResponse.LoadSb(sbResponseBody)

Dim object As String
Dim url As String
Dim has_more As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim count_i As Long
Dim id As String
Dim account_balance As Long
Dim created As Long
Dim currency As String
Dim default_source As Long
Dim delinquent As Long
Dim description As Long
Dim discount As Long
Dim email As Long
Dim livemode As Long
Dim shipping As Long
Dim sourcesObject As String
Dim sourcesHas_more As Long
Dim sourcesTotal_count As Long
Dim sourcesUrl As String
Dim subscriptionsObject As String
Dim subscriptionsHas_more As Long
Dim subscriptionsTotal_count As Long
Dim subscriptionsUrl As String
Dim j As Long
Dim count_j As Long

object = jsonResponse.StringOf("object")
url = jsonResponse.StringOf("url")
has_more = jsonResponse.BoolOf("has_more")
i = 0
count_i = jsonResponse.SizeOfArray("data")
Do While i < count_i
    jsonResponse.I = i
    id = jsonResponse.StringOf("data[i].id")
    object = jsonResponse.StringOf("data[i].object")
    account_balance = jsonResponse.IntOf("data[i].account_balance")
    created = jsonResponse.IntOf("data[i].created")
    currency = jsonResponse.StringOf("data[i].currency")
    default_source = jsonResponse.IsNullOf("data[i].default_source")
    delinquent = jsonResponse.BoolOf("data[i].delinquent")
    description = jsonResponse.IsNullOf("data[i].description")
    discount = jsonResponse.IsNullOf("data[i].discount")
    email = jsonResponse.IsNullOf("data[i].email")
    livemode = jsonResponse.BoolOf("data[i].livemode")
    shipping = jsonResponse.IsNullOf("data[i].shipping")
    sourcesObject = jsonResponse.StringOf("data[i].sources.object")
    sourcesHas_more = jsonResponse.BoolOf("data[i].sources.has_more")
    sourcesTotal_count = jsonResponse.IntOf("data[i].sources.total_count")
    sourcesUrl = jsonResponse.StringOf("data[i].sources.url")
    subscriptionsObject = jsonResponse.StringOf("data[i].subscriptions.object")
    subscriptionsHas_more = jsonResponse.BoolOf("data[i].subscriptions.has_more")
    subscriptionsTotal_count = jsonResponse.IntOf("data[i].subscriptions.total_count")
    subscriptionsUrl = jsonResponse.StringOf("data[i].subscriptions.url")
    j = 0
    count_j = jsonResponse.SizeOfArray("data[i]")
    Do While j < count_j
        jsonResponse.J = j
        j = j + 1
    j = 0
    count_j = jsonResponse.SizeOfArray("data[i]")
    Do While j < count_j
        jsonResponse.J = j
        j = j + 1
    i = i + 1

Sample JSON Response Body

  "object": "list",
  "url": "/v1/customers",
  "has_more": false,
  "data": [
      "id": "cus_CBbgVLJqv487Oq",
      "object": "customer",
      "account_balance": 0,
      "created": 1516662781,
      "currency": "usd",
      "default_source": null,
      "delinquent": false,
      "description": null,
      "discount": null,
      "email": null,
      "livemode": false,
      "metadata": {},
      "shipping": null,
      "sources": {
        "object": "list",
        "data": [
        "has_more": false,
        "total_count": 0,
        "url": "/v1/customers/cus_CBbgVLJqv487Oq/sources"
      "subscriptions": {
        "object": "list",
        "data": [
        "has_more": false,
        "total_count": 0,
        "url": "/v1/customers/cus_CBbgVLJqv487Oq/subscriptions"