Android™ Jira - Issues: Update a Comment

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Updates a comment. This example updates comment (id=10019) for the issue with key = "SCRUM-15".


CURL Command

curl --request PUT --user \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '
      "body": "ABC Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque eget venenatis elit. Duis eu justo eget augue iaculis fermentum. Sed semper quam laoreet nisi egestas at posuere augue semper.",
      "visibility": {
        "type": "role",
        "value": "Administrators"
    }' \
  --url ''

Android™ Example

// Important: Don't forget to include the call to System.loadLibrary
// as shown at the bottom of this code sample.
package com.test;

import com.chilkatsoft.*;

import android.widget.TextView;
import android.os.Bundle;

public class SimpleActivity extends Activity {

  private static final String TAG = "Chilkat";

  // Called when the activity is first created.
  public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    CkRest rest = new CkRest();
    boolean success;

    //  URL:
    boolean bTls = true;
    int port = 443;
    boolean bAutoReconnect = true;
    success = rest.Connect("",port,bTls,bAutoReconnect);
    if (success != true) {
        Log.i(TAG, "ConnectFailReason: " + String.valueOf(rest.get_ConnectFailReason()));
        Log.i(TAG, rest.lastErrorText());


    CkJsonObject json = new CkJsonObject();
    json.UpdateString("body","ABC Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque eget venenatis elit. Duis eu justo eget augue iaculis fermentum. Sed semper quam laoreet nisi egestas at posuere augue semper.");


    CkStringBuilder sbRequestBody = new CkStringBuilder();
    CkStringBuilder sbResponseBody = new CkStringBuilder();
    success = rest.FullRequestSb("PUT","/rest/api/2/issue/SCRUM-15/comment/10019",sbRequestBody,sbResponseBody);
    if (success != true) {
        Log.i(TAG, rest.lastErrorText());

    int respStatusCode = rest.get_ResponseStatusCode();
    if (respStatusCode >= 400) {
        Log.i(TAG, "Response Status Code = " + String.valueOf(respStatusCode));
        Log.i(TAG, "Response Header:");
        Log.i(TAG, rest.responseHeader());
        Log.i(TAG, "Response Body:");
        Log.i(TAG, sbResponseBody.getAsString());

    CkJsonObject jsonResponse = new CkJsonObject();

    String self;
    String id;
    String authorSelf;
    String authorName;
    String authorKey;
    String authorAccountId;
    String authorEmailAddress;
    String authorAvatarUrls48x48;
    String authorAvatarUrls24x24;
    String authorAvatarUrls16x16;
    String authorAvatarUrls32x32;
    String authorDisplayName;
    boolean authorActive;
    String authorTimeZone;
    String body;
    String updateAuthorSelf;
    String updateAuthorName;
    String updateAuthorKey;
    String updateAuthorAccountId;
    String updateAuthorEmailAddress;
    String updateAuthorAvatarUrls48x48;
    String updateAuthorAvatarUrls24x24;
    String updateAuthorAvatarUrls16x16;
    String updateAuthorAvatarUrls32x32;
    String updateAuthorDisplayName;
    boolean updateAuthorActive;
    String updateAuthorTimeZone;
    String created;
    String updated;
    String visibilityType;
    String visibilityValue;

    self = jsonResponse.stringOf("self");
    id = jsonResponse.stringOf("id");
    authorSelf = jsonResponse.stringOf("author.self");
    authorName = jsonResponse.stringOf("");
    authorKey = jsonResponse.stringOf("author.key");
    authorAccountId = jsonResponse.stringOf("author.accountId");
    authorEmailAddress = jsonResponse.stringOf("author.emailAddress");
    authorAvatarUrls48x48 = jsonResponse.stringOf("author.avatarUrls.48x48");
    authorAvatarUrls24x24 = jsonResponse.stringOf("author.avatarUrls.24x24");
    authorAvatarUrls16x16 = jsonResponse.stringOf("author.avatarUrls.16x16");
    authorAvatarUrls32x32 = jsonResponse.stringOf("author.avatarUrls.32x32");
    authorDisplayName = jsonResponse.stringOf("author.displayName");
    authorActive = jsonResponse.BoolOf("");
    authorTimeZone = jsonResponse.stringOf("author.timeZone");
    body = jsonResponse.stringOf("body");
    updateAuthorSelf = jsonResponse.stringOf("updateAuthor.self");
    updateAuthorName = jsonResponse.stringOf("");
    updateAuthorKey = jsonResponse.stringOf("updateAuthor.key");
    updateAuthorAccountId = jsonResponse.stringOf("updateAuthor.accountId");
    updateAuthorEmailAddress = jsonResponse.stringOf("updateAuthor.emailAddress");
    updateAuthorAvatarUrls48x48 = jsonResponse.stringOf("updateAuthor.avatarUrls.48x48");
    updateAuthorAvatarUrls24x24 = jsonResponse.stringOf("updateAuthor.avatarUrls.24x24");
    updateAuthorAvatarUrls16x16 = jsonResponse.stringOf("updateAuthor.avatarUrls.16x16");
    updateAuthorAvatarUrls32x32 = jsonResponse.stringOf("updateAuthor.avatarUrls.32x32");
    updateAuthorDisplayName = jsonResponse.stringOf("updateAuthor.displayName");
    updateAuthorActive = jsonResponse.BoolOf("");
    updateAuthorTimeZone = jsonResponse.stringOf("updateAuthor.timeZone");
    created = jsonResponse.stringOf("created");
    updated = jsonResponse.stringOf("updated");
    visibilityType = jsonResponse.stringOf("visibility.type");
    visibilityValue = jsonResponse.stringOf("visibility.value");


  static {

      // Note: If the incorrect library name is passed to System.loadLibrary,
      // then you will see the following error message at application startup:
      //"The application <your-application-name> has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again."

Sample JSON Response Body

  "self": "",
  "id": "10019",
  "author": {
    "self": "",
    "name": "admin",
    "key": "admin",
    "accountId": "557058:be8b47b5-3bc0-43f6-b6b2-2cca0de12204",
    "emailAddress": "",
    "avatarUrls": {
      "48x48": "",
      "24x24": "",
      "16x16": "",
      "32x32": ""
    "displayName": "Chilkat Admin",
    "active": true,
    "timeZone": "America/Chicago"
  "body": "ABC Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque eget venenatis elit. Duis eu justo eget augue iaculis fermentum. Sed semper quam laoreet nisi egestas at posuere augue semper.",
  "updateAuthor": {
    "self": "",
    "name": "admin",
    "key": "admin",
    "accountId": "557058:be8b47b5-3bc0-43f6-b6b2-2cca0de12204",
    "emailAddress": "",
    "avatarUrls": {
      "48x48": "",
      "24x24": "",
      "16x16": "",
      "32x32": ""
    "displayName": "Chilkat Admin",
    "active": true,
    "timeZone": "America/Chicago"
  "created": "2018-04-14T10:14:41.741-0500",
  "updated": "2018-04-14T10:25:07.558-0500",
  "visibility": {
    "type": "role",
    "value": "Administrators"