Visual Basic 6.0 Google Drive: Delete a Particular File Permission

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Deletes the permission having an id = "anyoneWithLink". (In this example the file id = 1BXNQ4sMDD1WibOtcYqgQlwJa0MAa6rTQ)


Dim rest As New ChilkatRest
Dim success As Long

'   Provide a previously obtained OAuth2 access token.
Dim oauth2 As New ChilkatOAuth2
oauth2.AccessToken = "OAUTH2_ACCESS_TOKEN"
success = rest.SetAuthOAuth2(oauth2)

success = rest.Connect("",443,1,1)
If (success <> 1) Then
    Debug.Print rest.LastErrorText
    Exit Sub
End If

success = rest.AddQueryParam("includeTeamDriveItems","true")
success = rest.AddQueryParam("supportsTeamDrives","true")

Dim sbResponse As New ChilkatStringBuilder
success = rest.FullRequestNoBodySb("DELETE","/drive/v3/files/1BXNQ4sMDD1WibOtcYqgQlwJa0MAa6rTQ/permissions/anyoneWithLink",sbResponse)
If (success <> 1) Then
    Debug.Print rest.LastErrorText
    Exit Sub
End If

If (rest.ResponseStatusCode <> 204) Then
    Debug.Print "Received error response code: " & rest.ResponseStatusCode
    Debug.Print "Response body:"
    Debug.Print sbResponse.GetAsString()
    Exit Sub
End If

Debug.Print "Example Completed."