Visual Basic 6.0 Google Drive: Update a Comment

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Updates (modifies) a particular comment on a file. This example updates the comment (id="AAAABg7tSGw") from the file having id = "0B5drHSd5ZHwgc3RhcnRlcl9maWxlX2Rhc2hlclYw".


Dim rest As New ChilkatRest
Dim success As Long

'   Provide a previously obtained OAuth2 access token.
Dim oauth2 As New ChilkatOAuth2
oauth2.AccessToken = "OAUTH2_ACCESS_TOKEN"
success = rest.SetAuthOAuth2(oauth2)

success = rest.Connect("",443,1,1)
If (success <> 1) Then
    Debug.Print rest.LastErrorText
    Exit Sub
End If

success = rest.AddQueryParam("fields","id,author,content")

'  The following code creates the JSON request body.
'  The JSON created by this code is shown below.
Dim jsonReq As New ChilkatJsonObject
success = jsonReq.UpdateString("content","This is the updated comment.")

Dim sbReq As New ChilkatStringBuilder
success = jsonReq.EmitSb(sbReq)

success = rest.AddHeader("Content-Type","application/json")

Dim sbJson As New ChilkatStringBuilder
success = rest.FullRequestSb("PATCH","/drive/v3/files/0B5drHSd5ZHwgc3RhcnRlcl9maWxlX2Rhc2hlclYw/comments/AAAABg7tSGw",sbReq,sbJson)
If (success <> 1) Then
    Debug.Print rest.LastErrorText
    Exit Sub
End If

If (rest.ResponseStatusCode <> 200) Then
    Debug.Print "Received error response code: " & rest.ResponseStatusCode
    Debug.Print "Response body:"
    Debug.Print sbJson.GetAsString()
    Exit Sub
End If

Dim json As New ChilkatJsonObject
success = json.LoadSb(sbJson)

'  The following code parses the JSON response.
'  A sample JSON response is shown below the sample code.
Dim id As String
Dim authorKind As String
Dim authorDisplayName As String
Dim authorPhotoLink As String
Dim authorMe As Long
Dim content As String

id = json.StringOf("id")
authorKind = json.StringOf("author.kind")
authorDisplayName = json.StringOf("author.displayName")
authorPhotoLink = json.StringOf("author.photoLink")
authorMe = json.BoolOf("")
content = json.StringOf("content")

Debug.Print "Example Completed."

Sample JSON Request Body

  "content": "This is the updated comment."

Sample JSON Response Body

  "id": "AAAABg7tSGw",
  "author": {
    "kind": "drive#user",
    "displayName": "Matt Fausey",
    "photoLink": "//",
    "me": true
  "content": "This is the updated comment."