Tcl Google Drive: About: get

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Gets information about the user, the user's Drive, and system capabilities. This example will get the teamDriveThemes.


load ./chilkat.dll

set rest [new_CkRest]

#   Provide a previously obtained OAuth2 access token.
set oauth2 [new_CkOAuth2]

CkOAuth2_put_AccessToken $oauth2 "OAUTH2_ACCESS_TOKEN"
CkRest_SetAuthOAuth2 $rest $oauth2

set success [CkRest_Connect $rest "" 443 1 1]
if {[expr $success != 1]} then {
    puts [CkRest_lastErrorText $rest]
    delete_CkRest $rest
    delete_CkOAuth2 $oauth2

CkRest_AddQueryParam $rest "fields" "teamDriveThemes"

set sbJson [new_CkStringBuilder]

set success [CkRest_FullRequestNoBodySb $rest "GET" "/drive/v3/about" $sbJson]
if {[expr $success != 1]} then {
    puts [CkRest_lastErrorText $rest]
    delete_CkRest $rest
    delete_CkOAuth2 $oauth2
    delete_CkStringBuilder $sbJson

if {[expr [CkRest_ResponseStatusCode $rest] != 200]} then {
    puts "Received error response code: [CkRest_ResponseStatusCode $rest]"
    puts "Response body:"
    puts [CkStringBuilder_getAsString $sbJson]
    delete_CkRest $rest
    delete_CkOAuth2 $oauth2
    delete_CkStringBuilder $sbJson

set json [new_CkJsonObject]

CkJsonObject_LoadSb $json $sbJson

#  The following code parses the JSON response.
#  A sample JSON response is shown below the sample code.

set i 0
set count_i [CkJsonObject_SizeOfArray $json "teamDriveThemes"]
while {[expr $i < $count_i]} {
    CkJsonObject_put_I $json $i
    set id [CkJsonObject_stringOf $json "teamDriveThemes[i].id"]
    set backgroundImageLink [CkJsonObject_stringOf $json "teamDriveThemes[i].backgroundImageLink"]
    set colorRgb [CkJsonObject_stringOf $json "teamDriveThemes[i].colorRgb"]
    set i [expr $i + 1]

puts "Example Completed."

delete_CkRest $rest
delete_CkOAuth2 $oauth2
delete_CkStringBuilder $sbJson
delete_CkJsonObject $json

Sample JSON Response Body

  "teamDriveThemes": [
      "id": "abacus",
      "backgroundImageLink": "",
      "colorRgb": "#ea6100"
      "id": "blueprints",
      "backgroundImageLink": "",
      "colorRgb": "#4285f4"
      "id": "bok_choy",
      "backgroundImageLink": "",
      "colorRgb": "#689f38"
      "id": "books",
      "backgroundImageLink": "",
      "colorRgb": "#4285f4"
      "id": "bread",
      "backgroundImageLink": "",
      "colorRgb": "#ef6c00"
      "id": "bubbles_color",
      "backgroundImageLink": "",
      "colorRgb": "#f06292"
      "id": "circuit",
      "backgroundImageLink": "",
      "colorRgb": "#039be5"
      "id": "clams",
      "backgroundImageLink": "",
      "colorRgb": "#e91e63"
      "id": "clovers",
      "backgroundImageLink": "",
      "colorRgb": "#689f38"
      "id": "cocktails",
      "backgroundImageLink": "",
      "colorRgb": "#db4437"
      "id": "concert",
      "backgroundImageLink": "",
      "colorRgb": "#ef6c00"
      "id": "desk",
      "backgroundImageLink": "",
      "colorRgb": "#607d8b"
      "id": "donut_coffee",
      "backgroundImageLink": "",
      "colorRgb": "#f06292"
      "id": "fabric_rolls",
      "backgroundImageLink": "",
      "colorRgb": "#78909c"
      "id": "flags",
      "backgroundImageLink": "",
      "colorRgb": "#009688"
      "id": "flower_field",
      "backgroundImageLink": "",
      "colorRgb": "#e06055"
      "id": "flowers",
      "backgroundImageLink": "",
      "colorRgb": "#689f38"
      "id": "glass",
      "backgroundImageLink": "",
      "colorRgb": "#0f9d58"
      "id": "lighthouse",
      "backgroundImageLink": "",
      "colorRgb": "#4285f4"
      "id": "maps",
      "backgroundImageLink": "",
      "colorRgb": "#8d6e63"
      "id": "mountains",
      "backgroundImageLink": "",
      "colorRgb": "#5c6bc0"
      "id": "notebook",
      "backgroundImageLink": "",
      "colorRgb": "#689f38"
      "id": "paper_colored",
      "backgroundImageLink": "",
      "colorRgb": "#9c27b0"
      "id": "pencils",
      "backgroundImageLink": "",
      "colorRgb": "#0097a7"
      "id": "roofing_metal",
      "backgroundImageLink": "",
      "colorRgb": "#039be5"
      "id": "sticky_notes",
      "backgroundImageLink": "",
      "colorRgb": "#0097a7"
      "id": "table",
      "backgroundImageLink": "",
      "colorRgb": "#8d6e63"
      "id": "travel",
      "backgroundImageLink": "",
      "colorRgb": "#039be5"
      "id": "upholstery",
      "backgroundImageLink": "",
      "colorRgb": "#009688"
      "id": "waves",
      "backgroundImageLink": "",
      "colorRgb": "#ff5722"
      "id": "waves_blue",
      "backgroundImageLink": "",
      "colorRgb": "#5c6bc0"
      "id": "wood",
      "backgroundImageLink": "",
      "colorRgb": "#8d6e63"