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Visual FoxPro Google Cloud Storage REST API Examples
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List Buckets
Retrieves a list of buckets for a given project.
Create Bucket
Creates a new bucket.
Delete Bucket
Permanently deletes an empty bucket. The path parameter is the name of the bucket to delete. In this example, we are deleting the bucket "chilkat-test-bucket". Success is indicated by a 204 response status code with an empty response body.
List Objects in a Bucket
Retrieves a list of objects in the Google Cloud Storage bucket. The name of the bucket is specified in the URL's path. This example retrieves a listing of the objects in the "chilkat-test" bucket.
Delete a File (i.e. Object)
Deletes a fie (also known as an object) from a Google Cloud Storage bucket. The name of the bucket is specified in the URL's path. This example deletes the "starfish.jpg" object from the "chilkat-test" bucket. A successful DELETE is indicated by a 204 response status code with an empty response body.
Copy File (Object) to another Bucket
Copies a fie (also known as an object) to another Google Cloud Storage bucket. This example copies the file "starfish.jpg" from the "chilkat-test" bucket to the "chilkat-images" bucket. In Google Cloud Storage, moving a file to a new bucket is a 2-step operation: First copy the file, then delete the original.