VB.NET Google Calendar: QuickAdd a Calendar Event

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Creates an event based on a simple text string. (This example adds an event to the calendar with id = "support@chilkatcloud.com".)

Documentation: https://developers.google.com/google-apps/calendar/v3/reference/events/quickAdd

Dim rest As New Chilkat.Rest
Dim success As Boolean

'   Provide a previously obtained OAuth2 access token.
Dim oauth2 As New Chilkat.OAuth2
oauth2.AccessToken = "OAUTH2_ACCESS_TOKEN"

success = rest.Connect("www.googleapis.com",443,True,True)
If (success <> True) Then
    Exit Sub
End If

rest.AddQueryParam("text","Dentist Appointment")

Dim sbReq As New Chilkat.StringBuilder

Dim sbJson As New Chilkat.StringBuilder
success = rest.FullRequestSb("POST","/calendar/v3/calendars/support@chilkatcloud.com/events/quickAdd",sbReq,sbJson)
If (success <> True) Then
    Exit Sub
End If

If (rest.ResponseStatusCode <> 200) Then
    Debug.WriteLine("Received error response code: " & rest.ResponseStatusCode)
    Debug.WriteLine("Response body:")
    Exit Sub
End If

Dim json As New Chilkat.JsonObject

'  The following code parses the JSON response.
'  A sample JSON response is shown below the sample code.
Dim kind As String
Dim etag As String
Dim id As String
Dim status As String
Dim htmlLink As String
Dim created As String
Dim updated As String
Dim summary As String
Dim creatorEmail As String
Dim creatorSelf As Boolean
Dim organizerEmail As String
Dim organizerSelf As Boolean
Dim startDateTime As String
Dim endDateTime As String
Dim iCalUID As String
Dim sequence As Integer
Dim hangoutLink As String
Dim remindersUseDefault As Boolean

kind = json.StringOf("kind")
etag = json.StringOf("etag")
id = json.StringOf("id")
status = json.StringOf("status")
htmlLink = json.StringOf("htmlLink")
created = json.StringOf("created")
updated = json.StringOf("updated")
summary = json.StringOf("summary")
creatorEmail = json.StringOf("creator.email")
creatorSelf = json.BoolOf("creator.self")
organizerEmail = json.StringOf("organizer.email")
organizerSelf = json.BoolOf("organizer.self")
startDateTime = json.StringOf("start.dateTime")
endDateTime = json.StringOf("end.dateTime")
iCalUID = json.StringOf("iCalUID")
sequence = json.IntOf("sequence")
hangoutLink = json.StringOf("hangoutLink")
remindersUseDefault = json.BoolOf("reminders.useDefault")

Debug.WriteLine("Example Completed.")

Sample JSON Response Body

  "kind": "calendar#event",
  "etag": "\"3020352941868000\"",
  "id": "52e7uk7j7vl5dosj7b25memov0",
  "status": "confirmed",
  "htmlLink": "https://www.google.com/calendar/event?eid=NTJlN3VrN2o3dmw1ZG9zajdiMjVtZW1vdjAgc3VwcG9ydEBjaGlsa2F0Y2xvdWQuY29t",
  "created": "2017-11-08T21:27:50.000Z",
  "updated": "2017-11-08T21:27:50.934Z",
  "summary": "Dentist Appointment",
  "creator": {
    "email": "support@chilkatcloud.com",
    "self": true
  "organizer": {
    "email": "support@chilkatcloud.com",
    "self": true
  "start": {
    "dateTime": "2017-11-08T15:27:50-06:00"
  "end": {
    "dateTime": "2017-11-08T16:27:50-06:00"
  "iCalUID": "52e7uk7j7vl5dosj7b25memov0@google.com",
  "sequence": 0,
  "hangoutLink": "https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/chilkatcloud.com/support?hceid=c3VwcG9ydEBjaGlsa2F0Y2xvdWQuY29t.52e7uk7j7vl5dosj7b25memov0",
  "reminders": {
    "useDefault": true