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PHP Extension Google Calendar REST API Examples
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List Calendars
Returns entries on the user's calendar list.
Create (Insert) a Calendar
Creates a new calendar. (i.e. Adds an entry to the user's calendar list.)
Delete a Calendar
Deletes an entry on the user's calendar list. (i.e. Deletes a calendar.)
This example deletes the calendar having the calenderId = "". The calendar ID's can be obtained by listing the calendars.
A response status code equal to 204 indicates success (with no response body).
Get Calendar
Returns an entry on the user's calendar list.
This example gets the calendar having the ID = "".
Update (Patch) a Calendar Entry
Updates an entry on the user's calendar list.
This example updates the "summary" for the calendar having the ID = "". The new summary will be "Party Calendar".
List Events on a Calendar
Returns events on the specified calendar.
This example returns the events for the calendar having the ID = ""
Delete an Event
Deletes an event from a calendar.
This example deletes an event from the calendar having the ID = "". The event ID to be deleted is "1p7fb5vob7vm57fepk4p1teft9".
If successful, the response is empty and the response status code = 204.
Get an Event
Returns a specified event from a specified calendar.
This example gets an event from the calendar having the ID = "", where the event ID equals "35ocdnnjofbtfs6c602uqvdg9u"
Insert an Event
Inserts a new event to a specified calendar.
This example inserts an event into the calender specified by ID = ""
Returns the JSON of the event that was created.
Get Instances of a Recurring Event
Returns instances of the specified recurring event.
This example gets instances for an event from the calendar having the ID = "", where the event ID equals "6li3bfqqq65edprt4ms6vdld2j"
Move Event to Another Calendar
Moves an event to another calendar, i.e. changes an event's organizer.
This example moves event ID="35ocdnnjofbtfs6c602uqvdg9u" from the calendar (ID = "") to the calendar (ID = "")
QuickAdd a Calendar Event
Creates an event based on a simple text string. (This example adds an event to the calendar with id = "".)
Update (Patch) an Event
Updates an event. (This example modifies the start/end date/time for the event id 52e7uk7j7vl5dosj7b25memov0 in the calendar with id = "".)
Get Color Definitions
Returns the color definitions for calendars and events.
Change the Color of an Event
Changes the color of a particular event. The calendar and event are specified by ID. This example changes the color for an event (id = 52e7uk7j7vl5dosj7b25memov0) on the calendar (id =
This changes the event to colorId = "6" which seems to be an orange-ish color..