C++ Google Calendar: Get Color Definitions

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Returns the color definitions for calendars and events.

Documentation: https://developers.google.com/google-apps/calendar/v3/reference/colors/get

#include <CkRest.h>
#include <CkOAuth2.h>
#include <CkStringBuilder.h>
#include <CkJsonObject.h>

void ChilkatSample(void)
    CkRest rest;
    bool success;

    //   Provide a previously obtained OAuth2 access token.
    CkOAuth2 oauth2;

    success = rest.Connect("www.googleapis.com",443,true,true);
    if (success != true) {
        std::cout << rest.lastErrorText() << "\r\n";

    CkStringBuilder sbJson;
    success = rest.FullRequestNoBodySb("GET","/calendar/v3/colors",sbJson);
    if (success != true) {
        std::cout << rest.lastErrorText() << "\r\n";

    if (rest.get_ResponseStatusCode() != 200) {
        std::cout << "Received error response code: " << rest.get_ResponseStatusCode() << "\r\n";
        std::cout << "Response body:" << "\r\n";
        std::cout << sbJson.getAsString() << "\r\n";

    CkJsonObject json;

    //  The following code parses the JSON response.
    //  A sample JSON response is shown below the sample code.
    const char *kind = 0;
    const char *updated = 0;
    const char *calendar1Background = 0;
    const char *calendar1Foreground = 0;
    const char *calendar2Background = 0;
    const char *calendar2Foreground = 0;
    const char *calendar3Background = 0;
    const char *calendar3Foreground = 0;
    const char *calendar4Background = 0;
    const char *calendar4Foreground = 0;
    const char *calendar5Background = 0;
    const char *calendar5Foreground = 0;
    const char *calendar6Background = 0;
    const char *calendar6Foreground = 0;
    const char *calendar7Background = 0;
    const char *calendar7Foreground = 0;
    const char *calendar8Background = 0;
    const char *calendar8Foreground = 0;
    const char *calendar9Background = 0;
    const char *calendar9Foreground = 0;
    const char *calendar10Background = 0;
    const char *calendar10Foreground = 0;
    const char *calendar11Background = 0;
    const char *calendar11Foreground = 0;
    const char *calendar12Background = 0;
    const char *calendar12Foreground = 0;
    const char *calendar13Background = 0;
    const char *calendar13Foreground = 0;
    const char *calendar14Background = 0;
    const char *calendar14Foreground = 0;
    const char *calendar15Background = 0;
    const char *calendar15Foreground = 0;
    const char *calendar16Background = 0;
    const char *calendar16Foreground = 0;
    const char *calendar17Background = 0;
    const char *calendar17Foreground = 0;
    const char *calendar18Background = 0;
    const char *calendar18Foreground = 0;
    const char *calendar19Background = 0;
    const char *calendar19Foreground = 0;
    const char *calendar20Background = 0;
    const char *calendar20Foreground = 0;
    const char *calendar21Background = 0;
    const char *calendar21Foreground = 0;
    const char *calendar22Background = 0;
    const char *calendar22Foreground = 0;
    const char *calendar23Background = 0;
    const char *calendar23Foreground = 0;
    const char *calendar24Background = 0;
    const char *calendar24Foreground = 0;
    const char *event1Background = 0;
    const char *event1Foreground = 0;
    const char *event2Background = 0;
    const char *event2Foreground = 0;
    const char *event3Background = 0;
    const char *event3Foreground = 0;
    const char *event4Background = 0;
    const char *event4Foreground = 0;
    const char *event5Background = 0;
    const char *event5Foreground = 0;
    const char *event6Background = 0;
    const char *event6Foreground = 0;
    const char *event7Background = 0;
    const char *event7Foreground = 0;
    const char *event8Background = 0;
    const char *event8Foreground = 0;
    const char *event9Background = 0;
    const char *event9Foreground = 0;
    const char *event10Background = 0;
    const char *event10Foreground = 0;
    const char *event11Background = 0;
    const char *event11Foreground = 0;

    kind = json.stringOf("kind");
    updated = json.stringOf("updated");
    calendar1Background = json.stringOf("calendar.1.background");
    calendar1Foreground = json.stringOf("calendar.1.foreground");
    calendar2Background = json.stringOf("calendar.2.background");
    calendar2Foreground = json.stringOf("calendar.2.foreground");
    calendar3Background = json.stringOf("calendar.3.background");
    calendar3Foreground = json.stringOf("calendar.3.foreground");
    calendar4Background = json.stringOf("calendar.4.background");
    calendar4Foreground = json.stringOf("calendar.4.foreground");
    calendar5Background = json.stringOf("calendar.5.background");
    calendar5Foreground = json.stringOf("calendar.5.foreground");
    calendar6Background = json.stringOf("calendar.6.background");
    calendar6Foreground = json.stringOf("calendar.6.foreground");
    calendar7Background = json.stringOf("calendar.7.background");
    calendar7Foreground = json.stringOf("calendar.7.foreground");
    calendar8Background = json.stringOf("calendar.8.background");
    calendar8Foreground = json.stringOf("calendar.8.foreground");
    calendar9Background = json.stringOf("calendar.9.background");
    calendar9Foreground = json.stringOf("calendar.9.foreground");
    calendar10Background = json.stringOf("calendar.10.background");
    calendar10Foreground = json.stringOf("calendar.10.foreground");
    calendar11Background = json.stringOf("calendar.11.background");
    calendar11Foreground = json.stringOf("calendar.11.foreground");
    calendar12Background = json.stringOf("calendar.12.background");
    calendar12Foreground = json.stringOf("calendar.12.foreground");
    calendar13Background = json.stringOf("calendar.13.background");
    calendar13Foreground = json.stringOf("calendar.13.foreground");
    calendar14Background = json.stringOf("calendar.14.background");
    calendar14Foreground = json.stringOf("calendar.14.foreground");
    calendar15Background = json.stringOf("calendar.15.background");
    calendar15Foreground = json.stringOf("calendar.15.foreground");
    calendar16Background = json.stringOf("calendar.16.background");
    calendar16Foreground = json.stringOf("calendar.16.foreground");
    calendar17Background = json.stringOf("calendar.17.background");
    calendar17Foreground = json.stringOf("calendar.17.foreground");
    calendar18Background = json.stringOf("calendar.18.background");
    calendar18Foreground = json.stringOf("calendar.18.foreground");
    calendar19Background = json.stringOf("calendar.19.background");
    calendar19Foreground = json.stringOf("calendar.19.foreground");
    calendar20Background = json.stringOf("calendar.20.background");
    calendar20Foreground = json.stringOf("calendar.20.foreground");
    calendar21Background = json.stringOf("calendar.21.background");
    calendar21Foreground = json.stringOf("calendar.21.foreground");
    calendar22Background = json.stringOf("calendar.22.background");
    calendar22Foreground = json.stringOf("calendar.22.foreground");
    calendar23Background = json.stringOf("calendar.23.background");
    calendar23Foreground = json.stringOf("calendar.23.foreground");
    calendar24Background = json.stringOf("calendar.24.background");
    calendar24Foreground = json.stringOf("calendar.24.foreground");
    event1Background = json.stringOf("event.1.background");
    event1Foreground = json.stringOf("event.1.foreground");
    event2Background = json.stringOf("event.2.background");
    event2Foreground = json.stringOf("event.2.foreground");
    event3Background = json.stringOf("event.3.background");
    event3Foreground = json.stringOf("event.3.foreground");
    event4Background = json.stringOf("event.4.background");
    event4Foreground = json.stringOf("event.4.foreground");
    event5Background = json.stringOf("event.5.background");
    event5Foreground = json.stringOf("event.5.foreground");
    event6Background = json.stringOf("event.6.background");
    event6Foreground = json.stringOf("event.6.foreground");
    event7Background = json.stringOf("event.7.background");
    event7Foreground = json.stringOf("event.7.foreground");
    event8Background = json.stringOf("event.8.background");
    event8Foreground = json.stringOf("event.8.foreground");
    event9Background = json.stringOf("event.9.background");
    event9Foreground = json.stringOf("event.9.foreground");
    event10Background = json.stringOf("event.10.background");
    event10Foreground = json.stringOf("event.10.foreground");
    event11Background = json.stringOf("event.11.background");
    event11Foreground = json.stringOf("event.11.foreground");

    std::cout << "Example Completed." << "\r\n";

Sample JSON Response Body

  "kind": "calendar#colors",
  "updated": "2012-02-14T00:00:00.000Z",
  "calendar": {
    "1": {
      "background": "#ac725e",
      "foreground": "#1d1d1d"
    "2": {
      "background": "#d06b64",
      "foreground": "#1d1d1d"
    "3": {
      "background": "#f83a22",
      "foreground": "#1d1d1d"
    "4": {
      "background": "#fa573c",
      "foreground": "#1d1d1d"
    "5": {
      "background": "#ff7537",
      "foreground": "#1d1d1d"
    "6": {
      "background": "#ffad46",
      "foreground": "#1d1d1d"
    "7": {
      "background": "#42d692",
      "foreground": "#1d1d1d"
    "8": {
      "background": "#16a765",
      "foreground": "#1d1d1d"
    "9": {
      "background": "#7bd148",
      "foreground": "#1d1d1d"
    "10": {
      "background": "#b3dc6c",
      "foreground": "#1d1d1d"
    "11": {
      "background": "#fbe983",
      "foreground": "#1d1d1d"
    "12": {
      "background": "#fad165",
      "foreground": "#1d1d1d"
    "13": {
      "background": "#92e1c0",
      "foreground": "#1d1d1d"
    "14": {
      "background": "#9fe1e7",
      "foreground": "#1d1d1d"
    "15": {
      "background": "#9fc6e7",
      "foreground": "#1d1d1d"
    "16": {
      "background": "#4986e7",
      "foreground": "#1d1d1d"
    "17": {
      "background": "#9a9cff",
      "foreground": "#1d1d1d"
    "18": {
      "background": "#b99aff",
      "foreground": "#1d1d1d"
    "19": {
      "background": "#c2c2c2",
      "foreground": "#1d1d1d"
    "20": {
      "background": "#cabdbf",
      "foreground": "#1d1d1d"
    "21": {
      "background": "#cca6ac",
      "foreground": "#1d1d1d"
    "22": {
      "background": "#f691b2",
      "foreground": "#1d1d1d"
    "23": {
      "background": "#cd74e6",
      "foreground": "#1d1d1d"
    "24": {
      "background": "#a47ae2",
      "foreground": "#1d1d1d"
  "event": {
    "1": {
      "background": "#a4bdfc",
      "foreground": "#1d1d1d"
    "2": {
      "background": "#7ae7bf",
      "foreground": "#1d1d1d"
    "3": {
      "background": "#dbadff",
      "foreground": "#1d1d1d"
    "4": {
      "background": "#ff887c",
      "foreground": "#1d1d1d"
    "5": {
      "background": "#fbd75b",
      "foreground": "#1d1d1d"
    "6": {
      "background": "#ffb878",
      "foreground": "#1d1d1d"
    "7": {
      "background": "#46d6db",
      "foreground": "#1d1d1d"
    "8": {
      "background": "#e1e1e1",
      "foreground": "#1d1d1d"
    "9": {
      "background": "#5484ed",
      "foreground": "#1d1d1d"
    "10": {
      "background": "#51b749",
      "foreground": "#1d1d1d"
    "11": {
      "background": "#dc2127",
      "foreground": "#1d1d1d"