Objective-C Box: Get Root Folder Info

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Gets the folder info for the root folder of a Box.com account. The root folder of a box.com account always has an id = "0".

Documentation: https://developer.box.com/reference#get-folder-info

CURL Command

curl https://api.box.com/2.0/folders/0 \
-H "Authorization: Bearer BOX_ACCESS_TOKEN" \

Objective-C Example

#import <CkoRest.h>
#import <CkoStringBuilder.h>
#import <CkoJsonObject.h>
#import <NSString.h>

CkoRest *rest = [[CkoRest alloc] init];
BOOL success;

//  URL: https://api.box.com/2.0/folders/0
BOOL bTls = YES;
int port = 443;
BOOL bAutoReconnect = YES;
success = [rest Connect: @"api.box.com" port: [NSNumber numberWithInt: port] tls: bTls autoReconnect: bAutoReconnect];
if (success != YES) {
    NSLog(@"%@%d",@"ConnectFailReason: ",[rest.ConnectFailReason intValue]);

[rest AddHeader: @"Authorization" value: @"Bearer BOX_ACCESS_TOKEN"];

CkoStringBuilder *sbResponseBody = [[CkoStringBuilder alloc] init];
success = [rest FullRequestNoBodySb: @"GET" uriPath: @"/2.0/folders/0" sb: sbResponseBody];
if (success != YES) {

CkoJsonObject *jsonResponse = [[CkoJsonObject alloc] init];
[jsonResponse LoadSb: sbResponseBody];

NSString *type = 0;
NSString *id = 0;
BOOL sequence_id;
BOOL etag;
NSString *name = 0;
BOOL created_at;
BOOL modified_at;
NSString *description = 0;
int size;
int path_collectionTotal_count;
NSString *created_byType = 0;
NSString *created_byId = 0;
NSString *created_byName = 0;
NSString *created_byLogin = 0;
NSString *modified_byType = 0;
NSString *modified_byId = 0;
NSString *modified_byName = 0;
NSString *modified_byLogin = 0;
BOOL trashed_at;
BOOL purged_at;
BOOL content_created_at;
BOOL content_modified_at;
NSString *owned_byType = 0;
NSString *owned_byId = 0;
NSString *owned_byName = 0;
NSString *owned_byLogin = 0;
BOOL shared_link;
BOOL folder_upload_email;
BOOL parent;
NSString *item_status = 0;
int item_collectionTotal_count;
int item_collectionOffset;
int item_collectionLimit;
int i;
int count_i;
NSString *file_versionType = 0;
NSString *file_versionId = 0;
NSString *file_versionSha1 = 0;
NSString *sequence_id_str = 0;
NSString *etag_str = 0;
NSString *sha1 = 0;
NSString *by = 0;
NSString *direction = 0;

type = [jsonResponse StringOf: @"type"];
id = [jsonResponse StringOf: @"id"];
sequence_id = [jsonResponse IsNullOf: @"sequence_id"];
etag = [jsonResponse IsNullOf: @"etag"];
name = [jsonResponse StringOf: @"name"];
created_at = [jsonResponse IsNullOf: @"created_at"];
modified_at = [jsonResponse IsNullOf: @"modified_at"];
description = [jsonResponse StringOf: @"description"];
size = [[jsonResponse IntOf: @"size"] intValue];
path_collectionTotal_count = [[jsonResponse IntOf: @"path_collection.total_count"] intValue];
created_byType = [jsonResponse StringOf: @"created_by.type"];
created_byId = [jsonResponse StringOf: @"created_by.id"];
created_byName = [jsonResponse StringOf: @"created_by.name"];
created_byLogin = [jsonResponse StringOf: @"created_by.login"];
modified_byType = [jsonResponse StringOf: @"modified_by.type"];
modified_byId = [jsonResponse StringOf: @"modified_by.id"];
modified_byName = [jsonResponse StringOf: @"modified_by.name"];
modified_byLogin = [jsonResponse StringOf: @"modified_by.login"];
trashed_at = [jsonResponse IsNullOf: @"trashed_at"];
purged_at = [jsonResponse IsNullOf: @"purged_at"];
content_created_at = [jsonResponse IsNullOf: @"content_created_at"];
content_modified_at = [jsonResponse IsNullOf: @"content_modified_at"];
owned_byType = [jsonResponse StringOf: @"owned_by.type"];
owned_byId = [jsonResponse StringOf: @"owned_by.id"];
owned_byName = [jsonResponse StringOf: @"owned_by.name"];
owned_byLogin = [jsonResponse StringOf: @"owned_by.login"];
shared_link = [jsonResponse IsNullOf: @"shared_link"];
folder_upload_email = [jsonResponse IsNullOf: @"folder_upload_email"];
parent = [jsonResponse IsNullOf: @"parent"];
item_status = [jsonResponse StringOf: @"item_status"];
item_collectionTotal_count = [[jsonResponse IntOf: @"item_collection.total_count"] intValue];
item_collectionOffset = [[jsonResponse IntOf: @"item_collection.offset"] intValue];
item_collectionLimit = [[jsonResponse IntOf: @"item_collection.limit"] intValue];
i = 0;
count_i = [[jsonResponse SizeOfArray: @"path_collection.entries"] intValue];
while (i < count_i) {
    jsonResponse.I = [NSNumber numberWithInt: i];
    i = i + 1;

i = 0;
count_i = [[jsonResponse SizeOfArray: @"item_collection.entries"] intValue];
while (i < count_i) {
    jsonResponse.I = [NSNumber numberWithInt: i];
    type = [jsonResponse StringOf: @"item_collection.entries[i].type"];
    id = [jsonResponse StringOf: @"item_collection.entries[i].id"];
    file_versionType = [jsonResponse StringOf: @"item_collection.entries[i].file_version.type"];
    file_versionId = [jsonResponse StringOf: @"item_collection.entries[i].file_version.id"];
    file_versionSha1 = [jsonResponse StringOf: @"item_collection.entries[i].file_version.sha1"];
    sequence_id_str = [jsonResponse StringOf: @"item_collection.entries[i].sequence_id"];
    etag_str = [jsonResponse StringOf: @"item_collection.entries[i].etag"];
    sha1 = [jsonResponse StringOf: @"item_collection.entries[i].sha1"];
    name = [jsonResponse StringOf: @"item_collection.entries[i].name"];
    i = i + 1;

i = 0;
count_i = [[jsonResponse SizeOfArray: @"item_collection.order"] intValue];
while (i < count_i) {
    jsonResponse.I = [NSNumber numberWithInt: i];
    by = [jsonResponse StringOf: @"item_collection.order[i].by"];
    direction = [jsonResponse StringOf: @"item_collection.order[i].direction"];
    i = i + 1;

Sample JSON Response Body

  "type": "folder",
  "id": "0",
  "sequence_id": null,
  "etag": null,
  "name": "All Files",
  "created_at": null,
  "modified_at": null,
  "description": "",
  "size": 826408,
  "path_collection": {
    "total_count": 0,
    "entries": [
  "created_by": {
    "type": "user",
    "id": "",
    "name": "",
    "login": ""
  "modified_by": {
    "type": "user",
    "id": "2787704945",
    "name": "chilkat",
    "login": "AutomationUser_434741_3nmGYSS7o5@@boxdevedition.com"
  "trashed_at": null,
  "purged_at": null,
  "content_created_at": null,
  "content_modified_at": null,
  "owned_by": {
    "type": "user",
    "id": "2787704945",
    "name": "chilkat",
    "login": "AutomationUser_434741_3nmGYSS7o5@@boxdevedition.com"
  "shared_link": null,
  "folder_upload_email": null,
  "parent": null,
  "item_status": "active",
  "item_collection": {
    "total_count": 2,
    "entries": [
        "type": "file",
        "id": "246181882790",
        "file_version": {
          "type": "file_version",
          "id": "259636211878",
          "sha1": "c9d2492fb97f88a9b4d1e35f32a3410e95853f18"
        "sequence_id": "0",
        "etag": "0",
        "sha1": "c9d2492fb97f88a9b4d1e35f32a3410e95853f18",
        "name": "hedgehogs.jpg"
        "type": "file",
        "id": "246167973161",
        "file_version": {
          "type": "file_version",
          "id": "259621592361",
          "sha1": "df7be9dc4f467187783aca68c7ce98e4df2172d0"
        "sequence_id": "0",
        "etag": "0",
        "sha1": "df7be9dc4f467187783aca68c7ce98e4df2172d0",
        "name": "penguins.jpg"
    "offset": 0,
    "limit": 100,
    "order": [
        "by": "type",
        "direction": "ASC"
        "by": "name",
        "direction": "ASC"