C++ Box: Get Folder Items

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Gets all of the files, folders, or web links contained within a folder.

Documentation: https://developer.box.com/reference#get-a-folders-items

CURL Command

curl https://api.box.com/2.0/folders/BOX_FOLDER_ID/items?limit=2&offset=0 \
-H "Authorization: Bearer BOX_ACCESS_TOKEN"

C++ Example

#include <CkRest.h>
#include <CkStringBuilder.h>
#include <CkJsonObject.h>

void ChilkatSample(void)
    CkRest rest;
    bool success;

    //  URL: https://api.box.com/2.0/folders/BOX_FOLDER_ID/items?limit=2&offset=0
    bool bTls = true;
    int port = 443;
    bool bAutoReconnect = true;
    success = rest.Connect("api.box.com",port,bTls,bAutoReconnect);
    if (success != true) {
        std::cout << "ConnectFailReason: " << rest.get_ConnectFailReason() << "\r\n";
        std::cout << rest.lastErrorText() << "\r\n";

    rest.AddHeader("Authorization","Bearer BOX_ACCESS_TOKEN");

    CkStringBuilder sbResponseBody;
    success = rest.FullRequestNoBodySb("GET","/2.0/folders/BOX_FOLDER_ID/items?limit=2&offset=0",sbResponseBody);
    if (success != true) {
        std::cout << rest.lastErrorText() << "\r\n";

    CkJsonObject jsonResponse;

    int total_count;
    int offset;
    int limit;
    int i;
    int count_i;
    const char *type = 0;
    const char *id = 0;
    const char *file_versionType = 0;
    const char *file_versionId = 0;
    const char *file_versionSha1 = 0;
    const char *sequence_id = 0;
    const char *etag = 0;
    const char *sha1 = 0;
    const char *name = 0;
    const char *by = 0;
    const char *direction = 0;

    total_count = jsonResponse.IntOf("total_count");
    offset = jsonResponse.IntOf("offset");
    limit = jsonResponse.IntOf("limit");
    i = 0;
    count_i = jsonResponse.SizeOfArray("entries");
    while (i < count_i) {
        type = jsonResponse.stringOf("entries[i].type");
        id = jsonResponse.stringOf("entries[i].id");
        file_versionType = jsonResponse.stringOf("entries[i].file_version.type");
        file_versionId = jsonResponse.stringOf("entries[i].file_version.id");
        file_versionSha1 = jsonResponse.stringOf("entries[i].file_version.sha1");
        sequence_id = jsonResponse.stringOf("entries[i].sequence_id");
        etag = jsonResponse.stringOf("entries[i].etag");
        sha1 = jsonResponse.stringOf("entries[i].sha1");
        name = jsonResponse.stringOf("entries[i].name");
        i = i + 1;

    i = 0;
    count_i = jsonResponse.SizeOfArray("order");
    while (i < count_i) {
        by = jsonResponse.stringOf("order[i].by");
        direction = jsonResponse.stringOf("order[i].direction");
        i = i + 1;

Sample JSON Response Body

  "total_count": 2,
  "entries": [
      "type": "file",
      "id": "246181882790",
      "file_version": {
        "type": "file_version",
        "id": "259636211878",
        "sha1": "c9d2492fb97f88a9b4d1e35f32a3410e95853f18"
      "sequence_id": "0",
      "etag": "0",
      "sha1": "c9d2492fb97f88a9b4d1e35f32a3410e95853f18",
      "name": "hedgehogs.jpg"
      "type": "file",
      "id": "246167973161",
      "file_version": {
        "type": "file_version",
        "id": "259621592361",
        "sha1": "df7be9dc4f467187783aca68c7ce98e4df2172d0"
      "sequence_id": "0",
      "etag": "0",
      "sha1": "df7be9dc4f467187783aca68c7ce98e4df2172d0",
      "name": "penguins.jpg"
  "offset": 0,
  "limit": 2,
  "order": [
      "by": "type",
      "direction": "ASC"
      "by": "name",
      "direction": "ASC"